Image Credit © Flow
Liquid Becomings is The European Pavilion 2024.
Liquid Becomings is not a traditional Pavilion or building, neither is it a space to be filled. It’s a time-based liquid pavilion, a flow of journeys, made up of small boats sailing along four of Europe’s greatest rivers – the Danube, the Rhine, the Tagus, and the Vistula – through thirteen different countries.
The boats will be home to 32 artists drawn from 17 countries. Along the course of their journeys, they’ll meet communities and engage with civic society to explore new, joyful, ways of being together and building a better Europe.
Liquid Becomings will climax at a three-day event in Lisbon, where we’ll share and show what we’ve discovered on our liquid journeys.
Image credit: MS-FUSION Wachau © Rainer Prohaska Bildrecht
Over the course of our journeys, we’ll be gathering the ideas of people who live along the rivers. When we’ve finished, we’ll have found new ways of being together and new ways to tell each others’ stories.
You can read more about the background to the project here.
Watch Liquid Becomings launch films on our Youtube channel.

Image Credit: MS-FUSION Donau Menschen Schätze Kulturen Schallaburg all © Rainer Prohaska Bildrecht

Design Jan Tomza Osiecki
espaço agora now in partnership with Teatro Meia Volta, MS Fusion, United Artist Labor, FLOW.t
Curators: Bojan Djordjev, Laura Kalauz, Maria Magdalena Kozłowska, Siniša Ilić, Alfredo Martins, Annette Mees, Naomi Russell and Olga Uzikaeva, with Agnieszka Brzezanska and Ewa Ciepielewska.
Liquid Becomings Team:
Production + technical team: Lucy Atkinson, Ricardo Costa, Dragana Jovović, Mariana Rolim, Ana Raquel Rodrigues, Ana Paula Teixiera, Hannah Tully
For MS-Fusion: Rainer Prohaska, Hanna Priemetzhofer, Florian Sorgo.
For FLOW: Piotr Jedynasiak.
Content Marketing: Mandy Martinez
Social Media Manager: Flávia Ruas
Design: Jan Tomza-Osiecki
Films: Dušan Čavić + Dušan Šaponja / Marka Žvaka
Press representative: Heidi Vandamme
Belgrade Press representative: Monika Husar / KomunikArt
Participating artists:
Alicja Wysocka
Bogdan Djukanović
Carola Uehlken
Elodie Olson-Coons
Elina Rodriguez
Flavia Barbosa Pinheiro
Gonçalo M. Tavares
Gosia Kepa
Isabel Soany Candia Bolshakova
Jaka Škapin
Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
Keli Freitas
Katarina Popović
Leila Chakroun
Małgorzata Kuciewicz
Małgorzata Markiewicz
Marija Balubdžić AKA Umbra
Marta Niedbal
Martin Schick
Mette Sterre
Neda Kovinić
Niel de Vries
Paula Diogo
Pio Sebastian Torroja
Patryk Zakrocki
Romuald Krezel
Sophie Thun
Viktor Vejvodat
Commissioned by the European Cultural Foundation with additional financial support from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, DGArtes and República Portuguese, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade, Founding Friends of espaço agora now and with additional support from Quinta Alegre, Resonance FM
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